Powering a hot tub could cost you more than you bargained for if you don’t know what to look for when buying. Choosing an energy-efficient hot tub means more savings on your electric bill every month so you can get the most out of your purchase. Learn how to recognize an energy-efficient spa with this helpful guide so you can relax knowing you made the smart choice. InsulationWhen choosing an energy-efficient hot tub, the first thing you want to look for is full-foam insulation to ensure no heat is escaping. If the hot tub isn’t properly insulated, you will waste a lot of energy trying to heat the outdoors. Energy Efficient Plumbing SystemPlumbing in a hot tub can sometimes mean lengthy stretches of pipe and tubing that takes a while to heat up, using quite a bit of energy. Look for an energy-efficient water delivery system that uses less plumbing. For example, Bullfrog Spas uses 90% less plumbing than other traditional hot tubs, which means the water reaches the hot tub more quickly. It is also completely submerged in hot water, so it heats up faster and stays hot longer. Plus, all the heat stays on the inside where it belongs. Fitted CoverA tightly fitting, high-quality cover is a major asset when it comes to owning an energy-efficient hot tub. Warmth will be trapped inside and cold air will be unable to enter, leading to less energy needed when heating the hot tub before the next use. A cover will also help to protect your hot tub and keep it in good condition so it will last longer. Energy CostThe cost of energy used to power your hot tub will vary depending on the outside temperature and frequency of use. Currently, Bullfrog Spas is the leader in energy efficiency, according to the California Energy Commission. Shop smart with Rocky Mountain Hot Tub Co. Ask us about our energy-efficient hot tub models and how you can save on your electric bill. |
March 2020
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